What was your closest experience to sex?

Maybe one of you can confirm this for me. I knew these guys who were best friends, I met them in a course I was in, we were part of a larger friend group with another guy and girls, and one of these 2 best friends was into me (let’s call him guy 1), he would comfort me, lend me his jacket, give me his lunch. The rest of the group made jokes about us but just innocent ones.

I was just out of high school and him a few years older than me so I didn’t think he actually wanted to be with me, just casual flirting. So we finish class one time and guy 1 and his friend (guy 2) take me on a drive, then we go to guy 2s house to hang out because I had free time. The guys played video games and I sat on guy 2s bed for a while, but then a few weeks later we all did this again, the next time all of us kinda laying watching tv.

This can sound innocent or maybe not. Now that I’m older (I’m a late bloomer..) I look back and wonder why the heck they wanted me to just hang out, like they could’ve just driven me home. I was very lonely then so maybe they felt bad (I would tell group about my troubles). Or did one or both want to have sex? Thing is I don’t remember guy 2 ever leaving me alone with guy 1, if he did want to make a move. I dunno, this was 5 years ago and I randomly think about it, because I can’t believe how random it was

/r/AskReddit Thread