What is your favorite memory from high school?

It was the last day of my sophomore year, our teacher was out running an errand so everyone was pretty relaxed and doing their own thing. Most everyone was quiet, I was playing on my phone when we hear a commotion in the hallway. We all turned to the doorway to see two people running by with ballon-filled pantyhose on their heads so we were all intrigued as to what was going on. I go ahead and walk to the door from my seat to look down the hallway. I saw our principal turn the corner into our hallway so I turned around to quickly get to my seat. Turns out, half the class had followed me to the doorway and had blocked the way to the safety of our seats. We all scramble to get to our desks as our principal walks in. Mr.J(principal) asked us what we were all doing. One of the classmates, I shall call him Danny, then says "It was JustAnEvilKid's fault!". I didn't think a classmate would turn on me, but unfortunately I was now under the cold stare of the principal. Mr.J was an intimidating man who had a glare that honestly creeped me out. I'm sure he has some interesting backstory that I don't know of nor care to find out about. Fortunately, he had been genuinely kind to me throughout the year and I hadn't caused any trouble for him. Even though, I was mentally preparing myself for a verbal lashing of the highest caliber. I was definitely not expecting what then happened. Mr.J turns to Danny, who called me out, and says "You know, you really shouldn't throw people smarter than you under the bus. JustAnEvilKid could be your boss one day."
The moment of watching Danny look towards me, then Mr.J, then back at me with a look of disbelief on his face was glorious. Danny starts throwing a fit but Mr.J tells him to keep his words in his mind for future reference and walks away, leaving the room. That day was complete justice for me. Don't mess with me Danny, I could be your boss one day.

To me, that was my favorite high school memory.

Also, later on that day after school I saw Mr.J at the gas station. He waved at me. I waved back. May the good things in this world bless that man.

TD;LR: Classmate blames me for something, ends up being called an idiot by the principal. Justice boner ensues.

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