What was your first step after high school or college that got you going in your independent life? What propelled you to where you are now?

kept in a copy room for elementary school—ADD/ADHD—drugs or althigh school—tested out of alt high school after getting bored with redundancies, started digging myself a hole at cc due to autism's lovely 'behavioral' challenges, altHS principal thought i was catholic because i took latin, so she told my overbearing helicopter parents about a private catholic liberal arts university somewhere, pressured to go to PCLAUS by fucked-up-helicopter parents, bad relationship with farm girl ending with her getting addicted to speedballs and I was being hunted by a stalker who got her addicted to heroin, I write a letter to the school on a head full of acid, and they let me in— i fuck off— and I take SSRIs and become the lovely fun-sponge I am now— get kicked out of the PCLAUS— hang out in town for a few more years, then move home and try to adult again— Get happy. Sign up for art school at cc, TGIFridays, start bumming around having fun. Meet a girl. makes me feel like i can do no wrong, stuff happens, she gets famous overnight, and i'm just a guy holding her hand. she leaves me, i freak out, and implode, lets see— I get hit in the head at twenty three and I go through a phase of convalescence of about ten years where i had no idea the improbable shit happened in my life, and then i meet someone else— fall in love again, get married, go to school, have a baby, move around a lot, and then recovering the memories from amnesia caused my divorce, my fucked-up-helicopter-parents giving me a house— effectively making my wife sign a post-nup and destroying our already shaky relationship, i'm a stay at home dad and she's an engineer because i am a very fucking good cheerleader for my spouse and i spent all of my 'dividends' putting her through school. I have a house, a kid, no education, no career, rich parents i want nothing to do with, and no job.

It's all my fault due to passivity, and inactivity. Failing myself for failing to establish healthy adult boundaries in my life.

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent