What was your memorable experience with the Police?

2 of my buddies invited me to go watch Thor Ragnarok. I was brokeeeeeee didnt even bring my wallet lol thats how broke I was (they paid for my ticket) we hotboxed on the way there and back. We were about 15 mins outside of our hometown and had a cop from the town over pull out behind us. As she's following us my friend is blowing clouds from his douche flute which made me and my other friend go wtf are doing she's gonna think we are smoking a shit ton of weed in here. She pulls us over and proceeds to ask for our ids. My friends hand over their stuff and she asks me about my id I tell her I left my wallet at home she takes this as suspicion and starts questioning us. She had already smelled the weed coming from the car so she was asking if we were hiding anything else (after we hand up all our pieces and weed) she pats my friend down puts him in the back of her car pats me and my friend down. I'm barely talking at this point cause I'm scared shitless and she asks me why I'm so nervous. I tell her im not and she asks me if I was hiding any drugs in my ass!!! Long story short both my friends got popped with city ordinance tickets and the one friend got his car towed. Me? They let me go home scotchfree cause it wasn't my weed lmao sorry patricky and lingding

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