What is your “nobody will ever believe this” story?

Dated someone for about 3 months - I didn’t want people to know - I was in my experimenting phase - it was a same sex thing - I wanted to see if I would like it - it sucked - everything - at first I thought it would be ok - she wanted action - which sometimes made me wanna puke - she stared off by telling me that she was falling for me and that she would be open if I wanted to experience- she started telling people about it - she told me that her boyfriend wasn’t her boyfriend- because she was with him only to cover up the fact that he was gay - The dude wasn’t gay- whenever she met people she told them that her first boyfriend had raped her - like casually - not waiting for a bit to get to know them better - just asking for their pity - after everything I ended up thinking that she lied about that and nearly everything - she was always switching between people - she had been with 2-4(that I know of) people in the 3 months we went out - if she wasn’t doing something properly, I was supposed to tell her that she was doing it properly- cause otherwise she’d say I was messing with her confidence - but she could criticise me - even say things like “ugh you going out with me dressed like that ?” - she left bruises on me and then started crying, saying that she was sorry - and that made me pity her - she always told me that I was the one for her - and that I actually believed that- she was trying to explain that a guy was pushing himself on her and that is why they have pictures of them kissing - lies - she was trash talking her friends when she was with me - and now she’s trash talking me - I never told them anything cause they would think I was jealous or something - about a year after we stopped talking - I had blocked her since that was the only way to stop her from contacting me - I was out with a guy and she thought we were dating - she was so jealous she started yelling after the guy to leave me alone - she only did it when I wasn’t there - and the guy told me - she would not do it when I was around cause I would have confronted her about it and would have told her to leave me alone - I tried being friends with her cause she wanted that and we had mutual friends - but she stopped even saying hello to me because I was out with that guy - honestly- there’s so many things she did amongst the ones above that would make me look like I was trying to destroy her reputation or make her look bad - everyone believes her - at least the ones that don’t see her often or the ones she doesn’t spend much time with - that was the most toxic thing I came across so far - even now she tells people that she was in a relationship with me and that I treated her like shit - I’m not counting that as a relationship since it was a game - also heard her say that she was just playing with me and someone else - at some point she made me feel like I was losing touch with reality - she wanted to be in a relationship with me after everything and I said no - she started calling me a b**** - she made one of our common friends text me and tell me that she had changed and that she wants me back and then denied it - god - so many things - just thinking about it - I should have never let her take advantage of the situation - venting was good - I hope this gets buried

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