what is your "one that got away" story?

I was emotionally immature when I met him, he rightfully realized this. I knew deep down we'd be electric together because I knew myself better than he knew me. And I loved him for all of the reasons he wanted and needed to be loved. I was too young and shy to express my feelings and thoughts intelligently. We had some really really really great days, can't be explained in words. Things fizzled out over time without words. It was very painful. He was my favorite person. More than I loved him romantically, I looked up to him as somebody I wanted to be like, a role model. I admired him in many ways, and learned a lot about myself by being around him, seeing how he behaved how he stood behind his thoughts, what he spent his free time doing. He was the most fascinating person I'd ever met, and I was intimidated to the point where I wasn't able to speak my thoughts. It was a learning experience, that I wish hadn't happened with him. I wish I had met him years later when I was older and more mature and felt more confident in sharing my thoughts. It's hard because the ending made sense, I just wish it wouldn't have ended. Even to this day I know we just fit. We could have made each other very very happy, but the timing was off and nobody's to blame. OVerall happy with the experience, I wouldn't be who I am today without having met him. He, for inadvertent reasons, helped me to become more myself than I ever could've dreamed. Was a different person after all was said and done, shed all the shy superficial bullshit. Never let another man meet me, without meeting ME to the hundredth power, because I never wanted to feel like anyone would leave having only gotten a glimpse of me. After that I said, if anyone bows out it'll be because they met ME and they said no. I'm never going to filter myself. Really sad for a long time, still sad years later. Overall, needed to happen I suppose.

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