What was your weirdest dream?

I had this dream a few days ago….. let’s get started!

First, me and my friend were in Chicago. Don’t ask me how we got there, since we live in Michigan. But it was just us.

We were doing parkour for some reason. Then, we jumped on this really nice apartment building called “The Genevieve”’s roof, which was a large balcony with the nicest apartment on top. We jumped down and went inside.

There was a huge gray master bedroom with twenty dancing of those T-Rex suits. We ran out into a very cluttered great room area. There were three kids playing video games on a brown leather couch and about ten doing hibachi at a huge kitchen island. Me and my friend tried to get out of there without being seen.

But they noticed us, so we sprinted out of apartment while foot long flaming steaks were being thrown at us.

In the apartment hallway it was like a carpeted mall labrinth. My and my friend wandered for days, until we came to the exact same place we came in.

We somehow became snakes and slithered along the floor, and the T-Rexes were still preforming their ancient ritual. They were still doing hibachi and playing video games and no one saw us.

We got on the balcony and jumped down to a crappy 50s diner amd got hotdogs. Then we realized we had to get home. We had been missing for three weeks, wandering The Genevieve.

Luckily for us, there was a train sitting there, right next to the crappy diner! We got in, and for some reason there was an airport in the train.

We boarded a plane to Berlin (we live in Michigan) and I woke up.

I read somewhere that dreams are your alternate reality’s life… if so, my alternate self needs some rehab…..

/r/AskReddit Thread