What was your worst "oh fuck, I'm going to throw up" moment?

A few weeks ago, I was coming home in an Uber and felt like absolute shit. Two cocktails isn't enough to get me drunk or nauseous - but maybe it was just that, and the fact that I was texting a little bit on my phone (I get bad motion sickness). I felt queasy and I doubted myself - maybe I couldn't handle alcohol like I thought. Not the case.

A few weeks later, my completely sober self took an Uber ride home again. l usually get a ride by myself, but my date convinced me to pool the ride - which extended it out to about 20 something minutes. Terrible idea, I wanted to die the entire time. I had to close my eyes and attempt to momentarily sleep, because vomiting in an Uber is expensive and I wasn't about that lifestyle. There's something terrible about riding in Ubers in the city, because some drivers are erratic and briefly stop every 10 seconds at each intersection. I came home and passed out for about 6 hours, because being conscious was too much.

I really fear getting in an Uber again now.

/r/AskReddit Thread