What're you guys gonna be for Halloween?

Awesome--O 3000 (south park). Just a box hat though. I'm totally low effort. Going to a Halloween party at a nerd bar. One of my friend groups is hella nerdy into anime and Dungeons and Dragons fucking bullshit. But they're cool. One guy might be on to me cuz he's a pharmacist. Problem is there's no way he'd hook me up with shit, spent a whole car ride talking shit about druggies when he was drunk driving--not a fan of dude. They'll be on to me after tomorrow.

I don't drink. I'ma show up with my "mystery box" filled with 8mg of xan blues, [for sale] 200,mg of Adderall (10s)[mostly for sharing] 100mg of ambien (10s)[sale]. An eighth of schwag [sharing--with blunts and papers--my schizo ass can't handle the strong]. 10g Kratom (15 .6s) [Share]. 1g F'Phenibut [sale???]. Upon arrival I'll pop a 350mg tia sodium to get me right (not selling that shit, addict). I also have a mini clam solution 10ml/5mg (Taking .5). [If I sell it, they get a pipette and a stern warning and they can't be drunk or they'd probably just down it and fuck up--probably not gonna sell it.]

Plan is that I'ma dance and play like I'll buy some girls drinks but throw em addies, White Vietnam instead (especially if it's late and they need a second wind--goes til 430). Sell some benzos to sober folks, and smoke out girls with weak bud. Maybe get lucky who knows. Quite the ramble. Just psyxhws

/r/benzodiazepines Thread Link - i.redd.it