What's the best example of 'women not understanding a men's body' you ever heard?

I feel like you might be projecting a bit here.

No, not at all, I'm calling out the unoriginality of your argument.

You blamed women

No, I pointed out a continuing behavioral trend that a lot of hetero and bi women don't like talking about, because it calls out their general laziness in bed.

I don't think I ever said men have 100% of the blame for the other factors I mentioned.

Except you did, you just don't want to admit it.

TBH, I'd be more intrigued if you did admit it.

Also, do you really think this trend can only have one cause?

No, but unlike you I'm pointing out a trend women could use to easily fix their sex lives and satisfaction rates.

You're doubling down on the idea that women have no such responsibility to themselves.

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