What's the least politically correct FACT you know?

I firmly believe that homosexuality is biological (Though, I'm straight so I have no personal experience on it) but you have to understand that there are most definitely closeted gay people out there (especially in the older generations) that will never reveal their true sexual preference because of what they've seen happen to people like them when they were growing up. In that sense, I'm sure that some closeted gay people have chosen to be straight so they don't get persecuted for their sexuality. While this isn't saying that you choose to be gay (rather you can choose to be straight), I'm also sure that some straight people pretend to be gay for attention. You know the type of people. Mainly teenagers at this point, they flip flop between gay and straight and while most of us would consider this bisexual, these people say that they are all gay or all straight, depending on which side that they are on at this point. They are trying to look cool or unique, while in reality they might just be a normal teenager, or even a hipster oriented one.

Bottom line, being gay is definitely not a choice for the people that actually are gay. It is biological. But closeted gay people may choose to pretend to be straight, have families, and live the rest of their lives without anyone knowing better about their sexual preference. And even the 'probably bisexual' community has some hypocrites among it, with people constantly switching between gay and straight, claiming to be one or the other in a concrete way just for attention. It is a tough world, and the few people that pretend to be gay when they are really straight make it even harder for true gay people when it comes to public perception. The fakes make us (the general population of straight people) think that LGBT groups are all attention seekers, just reinforcing stereotypes, while in reality, most gay people probably don't give a shit if the whole world knows what genital they like. Just like I don't need to let the whole world that I like to put my dick into a real human female's vagina, most gay people would probably agree that the rest of the world doesn't need to know someone's sexual preference. What you do with your dick or vagina doesn't matter to me, as long as it makes you happy. Sexual preferences do not matter, at least to me. As long as it makes you happy.

/r/AskReddit Thread