What's the most inappropriate thing a professional (doctor/lawyer/contractor/electrician/etc) has ever said to you?

Very late to the party but ...

A few years back I suffered a miscarriage at 15 weeks and had a D&C. The whole incident was traumatic and set off a deep depression in my husband who tried to kill himself about two weeks later. I found him and performed CPR, and thankfully he survived!

We had to get him treatment though (obviously) and we also had to follow up with the PCP to make sure he was physically recovering. We show up and end up seeing a nurse practitioner (I was with him to ask questions and remember answers). He asked her how long his chest would hurt, she explained getting CPR can damage the cartilage and take a long time to heal, etc, and he made a comment that I had done the CPR. She scoffs and said, “oh well if the paramedics didn’t do it then you probably did it wrong.” Um. No, I’m a medical professional and have been CPR certified for years, and I knew what I was doing. Then she tells us that our baby is better off dead “and in heaven” because the world is horrible and why would we want to have a baby born into that anyway?

We were still in shock and grief, and we had no response. I really wish now that I had filed a complaint because she was so tone deaf and unprofessional.

/r/AskReddit Thread