What's one thing that annoys you about everyday office life?

I have a list.

Coworker eating a bag of chips for lunch every single day, and smacks her lips of the first bit of every chip. Not the whole chip even, just the initial bite or two. Like, just put the chip in your mouth, close your lips, then bite. Nobody wants to hears that smacking lip noise.

An older guy who regularly goes on these tirades where he yells and curses about how angry he is at people over some dumb stuff about drawings. Three of four times a week I have to listen to this curmudgeon rant about how some kid never should have been hired or some engineer is an idiot for not listening to him.

People who insist on having conversations in the most inappropriate places. Why would you stand in the middle of the break room doorway and have a fifteen minute conversation with someone? People are trying to get through, dude.

/r/AskReddit Thread