What's a popular thing that you have literally no interest in whatsoever?

I think I'm just the kinda person that has no interest in much of anything:

  • Facebook - a shitty website where people go to grandstand and show-off their vacations and make vague attention-whoring posts or mundane meaningless worthless comments.
  • Twitter - It's like Facebook except it's more of just sharing bullshit nobody cares about. People on it seem to think their every thought is worth noting. Newsflash - you're all insignificant.
  • Tumblr - Yay hipster, weaboo, and SJW central.
  • Snapchat - I'll never understand people's desire to share pictures of their genitals. They're all fucking atrocious.
  • Kik - Snapchat for Tumblr and weaboo idiots.
  • Instagram - It's like Twitter but pictures. More attention whoring.
  • Reddit - Let's all pretentious and stroke our own ego because we think we're smarter than everyone else.
  • Tinder - Sausagefest for girls who will be super picky and only like guys who are "a 10".
  • OkCupid - It's like Tinder except more hipster millennials. At least it's not as vain as Tinder is though.

Let's move on to more daily life shit that doesn't have to do with social media:

  • The internet in general, especially with teens today. "Lol DAE MEMES AND WEED??". Fuck off. I hate pop-culture, I really do.
  • Fanbases - Fandom ruins everything. I enjoy some things but I hate it when people obsess about something and seem to want to wear it's skin. I hope anime fans understand that if the characters from their favorite thing was real, they'd think you're a massive weirdo. Don't even get me started with shit like MLP, Minecraft, Sonic the Hedgehog, and Five Nights at Fuck You.
  • TV - Literally nothing on that gets my attention. I happened to catch a glimpse of one show that was kinda funny and that's about it (Angie Tribeca I think it's called). I enjoy the occasional cartoon is pretty much all other than that. Anything related to zombies or vampires is immediately off my list since I hate those themes.
  • Movies - Let's have more fucking superhero garbage why don't we? The same overused easily-forgotten formulaic nonsense again and again.
  • Video Games - I used to enjoy these when they were about a good story and unique gameplay. Nowadays it's just about moneygrabs and DLC and pandering bullshit. Plus, video games have serious ADHD problems nowadays - Overwatch is big now and will be replaced in a few months. I'm not gonna buy game after game to keep up with what's trending, especially when I hate the communities around them anyway - teenagers are horrible.
  • League of Legends - This gets it's own slot. My god the obsession with this atrocious MOBA bullshit is ridiculous, and they have the audacity to be PROUD of it as if it's a mark of the elite. My god the number of girls I've met who claim to be "gamers" just because they play League of fucking Legends is astounding. I preferred it when they stayed as shallow sports-loving girls instead of trying to pretend to be nerds. I liked being a nerd when it wasn't cool to be one, now there's a ton of fucking wannabes.

This list can go on and on and on as you can imagine.

It's hard for me to get up in the morning anymore. Social interactions wear me out, I have little interest in anything, I have a suckish outlook on society itself and don't enjoy much. Things taste bland, interactions seem meaningless unless it results in sex or winning the lottery.

I dunno what happened to me - I used to kinda enjoy things. But then I grew a brain and now I see people as just these vessels of meat and bone that do anything it takes to achieve selfish gain. Their every action is part of it. They only talk to you if they've already considered you a possible asset or interest in some way or another. I see companies as just towers of greed. I see people as just parasites. I see mediums of communication as just breeding grounds for immaturity and egocentrism.

I dunno.... I started seeing life as just us on a big rock out in the middle of an infinite space. It's depressing and at the same time comforting. It's sad that nothing means anything, but at the same time it relieves me of all responsibilities. I always avoided being important or being put in a spotlight, because I've always been afraid of commitments and responsibilities. I'm far too lazy for any of that shit.


Yeah. Popular things I have literally no interest in...

I guess "people" kinda sums it up.

/r/AskReddit Thread