What's something that you had learnt the hard way?

Oh the story gets much worse than that - that was just the preamble to the loads and loads of bullshit I got rained down on me after this.

That repayment plan I was on, as grueling as the payments were - I made them. Had to get rid of cable, even had to stop driving my car the last few months and taking the bus to work because I couldn't afford the gas. But I made the payments.

On the 9th month, I was looking forward to getting back to my normal payments when I got ANOTHER foreclosure letter in the mail.

I was like WTF???? AGAIN.

So I call this new bank and ask them, like... how is my house in foreclosure if I made the payments??? And they're like - we sent you a document stating the terms of your repayment plan that you were to sign and send back, and because you failed to send it back, your house is now in foreclosure.


So I took a minute, counted 10 - did all that anger management bullshit. And I'm like... so now what??? What do I have to do to keep my home? And they're like... you've already voided 1 repayment plan, there's nothing you can do. Your house is in foreclosure, we'll be sending you court documents in the next week or so.

I saw beyond RED.

You know why they put those loan servicing call centers in different states? It's because they fuck people so bad that if they could get to them fast, well - they'd all be dead because I would have fucking murdered them all. I would have even drove to where they were if I had the gas - but I was still broke.

Anyway, I told that cunt's supervisor - "You know what, you can keep the fucking house. I'm out of here - I'm moving out TODAY. FUCK YOU". And I did, I moved out THAT day.

6 months later, I'm driving home from work - got myself this shitty apartment near my work - when I get pulled over by a police officer. Goes to find out I had a warrant for my arrest - for failure to appear. I'm like WTF????

The bank never seized the house, and since I was still the owner of record - when the grass got too tall and they put a notice on the front door of the house I no longer lived in, with a court date - that since I didn't know I had it, of course I didn't show or pay the fine.

Luckily the officer, after I explained the situation - didn't arrest me. Thank God. But in the end, that cost me almost $1000 (city charged $250 per each time they mowed my grass at the house I didn't live in).

So after that, I was like well fuck - I'm stuck with this fucking house I don't want. And I'm sure as shit not going to move back into it if the bank could come seize it any day. So... I started renting it out.

Renting houses... sounds luxurious, but it's really... really a pain in the ass. I got one long string of bad tenants in the place, one right after the other - all sorts of property damage, bugs, neighbor complaints, police run-ins. And every time I didn't want to spend any money on it, because like I said - the bank could technically come any day and seize the place.

And this nightmare went on... and on... AND ON. Keep in mind, that was 2009 when my house went into foreclosure and I left the property.

This year, February - I got a letter delivered to that property, a letter from my original bank - with a certificate of satisfaction. Fancy term for saying they wrote off the mortgage - which I took to a lawyer who explained it to me like this. The bank gave me the house to negate "standing" - wrong doing - because without wrong doing, I can't sue them. Which I really wanted to do, but again, I had no receipts or proof of any kind - so no lawyer would take my case.

So in the END - seriously, 6 years after the fact - it worked out for me. I got the house FREE & CLEAR - I even went to the county building, confirmed it through the auditor - no liens, no mortgage. But seriously, it wasn't worth it. That shit ruined my credit, my self-esteem, the time I wasted, stress, bad tenants - property degradation... I mean seriously it wasn't worth it. But, all in all, it's MY house now... so I guess there's that.

Just evicted the last bad tenants who I let get behind 4+ months rent, who then took another 2 months to move out (after I had to pay $1000 to get them out (lawyer fees, court fees)). Then they left everything in the house, all their trash, furniture - everything - because they had bed bugs. Fucking bed bugs.

I called the city, they said they'd pick the stuff up - but of course after seeing all of it they said they're not going to; told me to call the trash pickup people for a bulky item pickup. Then the city gave me a 5 day notice to get rid of the junk THEY SAID they were going to pick up.

I got them to extend it to 7 days, because that's how long the trash people said it'd take for them send a truck for all of it. But they asssured me they'd take it.


I asked them like... why did you tell me you were going to take it all then NOT DO IT??? And they said they didn't have to - it's "TOO MUCH STUFF". They told me to call a few junk removal places, but it was going to cost me. And they weren't kidding. I got 3 estimates from 3 different companies - all over $1800 to remove this bed bug infested shit.

I couldn't afford it, especially after I had JUST PAID $350 for the pest control people to bomb/start a 6 week treatment on the house - so the only choice I had - which btw this still makes my skin crawl - was to rent a truck and move it all myself. Got a 15ft U-Haul, took over 5000lbs of this nasty fucking shit to the incinerator - still cost me $250.

So now I have a bed bug infested piece of shit house, that's wrecked inside (all the drywall is fucked, front door is busted, someone stole the outside air conditioning unit), and the outside which was never in great shape - is even more fucked; needs a new roof/siding, a tree removed, and the garage is falling apart - so much so it's unsafe to park in.

But at least it's mine. And now any work I do to it - I don't have to worry about the bank coming and taking it. So at least that. But really, it just wasn't worth it.

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