What's the strongest opinion you hold?

A fetus is a parasite,

You can go through all the buzzwords you want but that phrase right there tells me all I want to know. A fetus is a developing human being. I think women have value so fuck you. Women are just as much of a person as men and their lucky enough to produce human life. i know it would be a hard decision but if that decision is between having a kid and not getting a job you are an asshole. If you think that not having a kid with said fucker that you had sex with because you don't want one with him you are a supreme asshole. That child never got a choice. It's very selfish to deny existence because of these reasons and there is no denying that. It's about a human life no matter how you look at it, it at least will lead to one. Adoption is a thing and I'm sorry if it's a hard decision but maybe just maybe use fucking protection to not get pregnant. Condoms are free all over the world, and the day after pill is everywhere. So i'm not sorry if a woman who is 6 months pregnant is "forced" to have a child I think it should be forced at 3 months.

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