What's a TV series that you tried to get into but never could?

agreed. my SO has tried getting me into the show many times, and i've really really WANTED to love it, i just couldn't get over how the characters are EXTREME. they don't seem to have an in-between. over-acting at its worst.

the other day my SO said "ok let's start you on season 4 that is the best one" but i just couldn't.

sooo many situations just WOULD. NOT. HAPPEN.

minor spoiler season 4

now admittedly i am not fully versed in murder cases but i highly doubt this would happen: expert shows up with the incorrect file for the case. realizes this when he is on the stand. SOMEHOW even though he has likely testified hundreds of times before with no issue this is enough to completely 'discredit' him and he gets shit for "letting the defendant walk". umm i'm sorry but is it not possible at all to reschedule that expert? get the files run to him? faxed? JUST BECAUSE HE BRINGS THE WRONG FILE A MURDERER WALKS? HIS YEARS OF EXPERIENCE IS DISCREDITED JUST LIKE THAT? THERE IS NO OTHER EVIDENCE ?????// JUST THE FUCKING BLOOD SPATTER ARE YOU KIDDFJDSHAGUOHEIJEWFK

yeah that upset me.

and then later on in i believe the same exact episode dexter gets a field sobriety test. what does he have to do? say the alphabet backwards. that is NOT A FIELD SOBRIETY TEST.

his sister debra (jennifer carpenter) can't say "fuck" naturally even though that is probably the word she uses most in the show.

every single time i try watching it i just find something else that infuriates me. i see the draw to it i guess, but i don't like shows that feel like the writers just make shit up in order to get the characters aligned in certain situations or give them specific opportunities.

anyone is more than welcome to explain whether or not the first situation mentioned would actually happen, i'd actually LOVE for someone to tell me that a potential murderer would legitimately walk because one person didn't have the right file.

but i don't like it. screw dexter, screw the hype surrounding it, it's a sub par show with terrible writing and awful casting.

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