What's your favorite unethical life hack?

Get expensive seeds or nuts form the bulk health foods section but print out the label using the SKU for sunflower seeds.

Get organic fruit but punch in the PLU at the self check out for the non organic version.

Conveniently leave a small thing in the bottom of your your cart. Like a tube of Bio Flex or mascara or a four pack of batteries. NO one will notice and if they do you can do a mia culpa.

Use a Kodi box to watch digital releases such as normally would be from Amazon or Fandango.

If you lose small part for an item (like gas cap or battery cover etc) get another of the item then take the small part and return it.

If Amazon delivers something to you by mistake keep it.

Yeah these are not really life hacks but ways to steal.

/r/AskReddit Thread