What's your funniest, craziest or weirdest loot story?

I had been the groups DM for a while before one of them decided he wanted to run a small campaign. I played a Druid in the party as we ascended a tower to the BBEG. He threw together some crazy items for it, a lot of them inspired by the DnD memes subreddit. An early one we got was a magical rubix cube.

So at one point in this strange magical tower we find a section filled with a bunch of plants that give off a hallucinogenic pollen. As the Druid, I spoke with them, they were all assholes, I pissed them off and before long a number of the party is poisoned by these things.

We barely manage to get into the next room, which was some sort of trap or puzzle, I honestly don’t remember because next was when we discovered the drum kit of dolphin summoning and accidentally poofed 30 dolphins into this fucked up mages tower. So I again as the Druid, now tripping on poison pollen, asked to speak with the eldest dolphin. They were confused. Scared. They didn’t know how they got there. I told them I was too, I didn’t know what to do either, but he might be able to help me solve this rubix cube.

So with advantage (from the help of the dolphins) I nat 20’d the rubix cube. Which (according to the original source on reddit) opened a portal to one of the celestial planes. So I essentially escorted 30 lost dolphins into heaven, toured their guest center, visited the gift shop and forgot the rest of the session after that.

/r/DnD Thread