When I give it all my effort and fail

No, to be honest I came into the thread to see if I could help you a little bit with some advice, but you really don't seem like you're open to taking advice. You have nine separate strangers giving you honest and helpful advice that you could have listened to, yet you take each attempt at help and throw it on the ground.

Fuck your shitty attitude. Why did you make this thread? Do you want to wallow in self pity? Do you want to see how many people would reach out to you so that you could turn around and say "not even x amount of strangers' kindness could help me?"

Yeah, shit can suck. Your shit might suck more than mine. There's a good chance it doesn't. I was robbed at gunpoint a week or two ago, and lost about $750 worth of stuff. I could think about how so many people don't have to live in a shitty neighborhood and don't have to deal with this, but I don't. My friend who I was with got his car stolen. He's out $5000. So I don't complain.

Don't compare yourself to others. Compare who you are right now to who you could be in one minute. Can you be better off in 60 seconds? Clean your room, wash your face, something. Now compare yourself right now to yourself in one hour. What can you do that will put you in a better place in an hour? Write down a meal plan for the week. Write down your whole schedule and when you have free time and don't spend it doing what you've been doing, because that got you here. Can you be in a better spot in a day? A week?

I already know your answer. "What if I tried before, and it didn't work? It hurts. I hurt. Me me me me me." Fuck you. Do something for someone else. Maybe that will get you out of your self centered mindset.

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