When did your "Something is very wrong here" feeling turned out to be true?

This was a couple years ago, but it always feels fresh - like it happened yesterday.

I live in a family of 6 including myself with our mother (father is out of the picture) and we were at a family's house for a few months so we could hang out and stuff for christmas. Things were fine, it was super fun.

The night before we were gonna head back for our 5 hour drive back home, my older sister got in a pretty heated argument with another of my siblings. The entire night, all i felt was a feeling of dread. The argument was pretty bad but it wasnt because of it. Just things felt off to me.

Next morning and it was time to go. The snow on the ground was melting and it was super foggy. I really didnt want to go then. It felt way off. But i didnt say anything, because i doubt my mother wouldve stayed for a day extra because we had to go back to school. So we say our byes and head out onto the highway. It was fine, till 3 ish hours later my mom lost control of the van, and the last thing i remember was sliding against the rails a few times and the van flipping over 5 times, as i heard the screams of my mom and siblings.

I mustve blacked out but when i awoke mostly everyone was out, my mom crying profusely. I eventually climbed out and it turned out no one was hurt too bad..( i had a very long gash on my wrist but nothing serious) When i jump out i see the mangled mess of my older sister (the one who was in the argument) her head- coming out of the backseat window with blood dripping from her hair- i couldnt even see her face. I was completely horrified- i honestly thought she was dead and i broke out bawling alongside everyone else.

Hours later i found out she survived, even though she cant walk properly ever again. Even though this was years ago it still haunts me to this day, and i sometimes wonder what would have happened if i said something that day.

/r/AskReddit Thread