When was the last time you cried?

A week ago. Found out I was sick again, someone I really admired and adored passed away, I was just about to fix my vehicle's suspension when the transmission began spewing fluid and can't afford to fix all of it, dog is dying, parent's health is going down fast, work is stressing me out beyond belief, my computer which I depend on for my livelihood is giving out and I can't afford a replacement, attempted to upload my insurance to UBER over 30 times so I could make some income but it kept getting denied and every variation of it (doesn't matter cause I can't drive my vehicle), relationship was very rocky and found out my gf couldn't find a job anywhere close to me, a former client is under investigation for messed up things and it keeps triggering my PTSD regarding my experiences where they and others were sexually harassing me, sending lewd texts, trying to date rape and sexually abuse, trying to peddle me to their friends, (I never let them do anything to me, but still the mental health deterioration from the constant pressure had broke me), I have $2 in my bank account and bills keep piling.

I'm so tired. I'm exhausted. I'm not giving up, but I just need a break. I want my car to work. I want a computer so I can work. I fucking want to be healthy and have things go my way for once. I'm not one to cry, but I was so overwhelmed I just broke down and lost it.

/r/AskMen Thread