When is the most inappropriate time you have laughed?

In Color theory or psychology (I don't remember the name) with had to make like 3x3 cm grids in cardboard and do some color scales, or gradient study and stuff. It was a homework assignment. The next day we will stick them to the wall and the whole class analyse them.

When almost everyone stuck their homework to the wall, this guy comes late to the class and start sticking his cardboards, but they were huge, I think he thought the measurements were in inches instead of centimeters, or something.

I laughed a little bit, no big deal, like a normal person looking other do goofy mistakes.

The thing is, last week we had to make a color gradient wheel and he missed that class, he tried to show it now and his wheel was enormous too! it had to be like 15 cm and his was like 15 inches.

When he pull that out of his bag I lose my shit, I laugh super loud like if I was alone in that room, without the other 40 students.

I can't explain why, I don't know, that shit felt like it was a comedy sketch, and the guy was looking so oblivious with a naive look in his face... I was like "what's next? is he going to pull a 5 foot pencil and write notes in his 2 yard notebook?"

It was cringy as fuck, I was the only one laughing, the other ones weren't even smiling, just wondering, why the fuck is this guy laughing like a maniac?

/r/AskReddit Thread