When you specifically order a sugar free frozen coke from McDonald's because you're type 1 diabetic.

For McDonalds you could store this on your phone.


The food will usually be close to what they give for carbs and proteins or at least my body responds similar to what they say is in the food.

For instance while traveling I will frequently have a breakfast burrito and large coffee with 2 creams. Burrito has 25 grams carbs and 13 grams protein. Zero carbs and zero protein in the 2 creams and a slight kick to the system from the caffeine. So 25 grams carbs plus 1/2 the protein for a total of 32 always round up. Since this is early my ratio is 10/1 so 4 units ( again round up ) but thanks to the coffee 5 works better. But I am T1 and not insulin resistant so my ratios may be different than yours.

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