White girls be on Instagram like....

If this attempt at humor is considered racist then I wonder if those "r/blackfather" comment chain setups that get highly upvoted almost every time they're posted are considered racist.

Especially when they're entirely unrelated to the thread at hand:
Q: What's your favorite unheard of subreddit?
A: /r/goodblackfathers 130 points

Q: What are considered white people activities?
A: Fathers day 1630 points

Or here 1950 points

What if it was a shot for shot remake of episode IV, but with a black luke.
Never finds his father. 1300 points

Black people are the root of most problems 1930 points

On a thread about blood cells:
Fucking lazy ass red blood cells just laying around doing nothing while the whites do all the work 1360 points
I mean do you honestly expect the colored ones to work? 1880 points

Of course there's the pretty frequent posting of the setup I mentioned above:
But nothings there.

Here's a thread about a baby looking like Jay Z with a bunch of interesting comments in the single digits ranging from:
Disgusting niggerlover
A bunch of "single mother" comments
Your white friend had children with a nigger?
etc. All in the positives

There was a thread about a black guy robbing a T-mobile store in /r/videos and one of the most overt comments was just the word "nigger" which got 65 points and 12 golds. The mods eventually deleted most of that thread though.

Anyways the point is if that people on this site have no problem comments about black people that are far more racist then this particular thread. If anything it seems like it's "not ok" to make jokes about white people because you will almost definitely receive comments like yours and the one you replied to. On the other hand it seems perfectly ok to be "racist" towards black people.

It seems like white people can dish it out but they can't take it even when it's far more mild. White girls use instagram for pretend vacations, that really bothers you? As opposed to "black people don't have fathers lol" ad infinitem? But by all means continue with the victim complex "woe is me" bullshit.

/r/funny Thread Link - i.imgur.com