Who else feels like a lot of doctors aren’t doing their job as well as they should be and are tired of doctors barely looking at you when you come in?

I'm an adult with a phobia of needles. I also get anxiety anytime I'm in or know I need to go in to a doctor's office. I once puked on myself on public transport because I was supposed to get a shot, but didn't. The anxiety caused me to puke anyway.

This all stemmed from my childhood. I'm a picky eater, and always has been, which was a concern for my mom when I was a child. So if she felt I wasn't eating right, was eating something in a weird way, or otherwise didn't like my eating habits, she'd march me off to the doctor to tell him what I'd done. As an example there were certain foods I didn't chew because I didn't like their texture, eg hot dogs and pasta. And every single time the doctor would say "let's do some bloodwork to test for levels of [x]". And so I'd have several vials of blood drawn after every trip. It was painful. It caused light headedness. It caused nausea. Sometimes I would have to lay down in public to keep it at bay. And I fucking hated it. Thus, the phobia.

My point in saying this is to ask: was my doctor right to have done all these blood tests? Or was he doing these purely to sate my mom's frustrations?

/r/AskReddit Thread