Many young voters sat out Super Tuesday, contributing to Bernie Sanders' losses

I think there are a few reasons behind this.

-There is a big problem in general with young people not voting, and this is a primary election. I wonder how many don't understand how a primary works or what it is (probably a lot unfortunately).

-Bernie is almost 80 and even among young voters the "socialist" label may not be helping. A younger non-white male is going to resonate better with progressives especially young ones.

-The DNC and most of the media do not like these type of candidates.

-Warren sticking around and splitting the progressive vote was the nail in the coffin. There was no reason she needed to attack bernie they way she has been. Really just beyond idiotic by her.

Biden isn't going to win. Maybe its my tinfoil hat, but i almost feel the DNC does not necessarily want to win this election...

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