Who is Julie Rowe and why does everyone hate/love her?

I knew a family in my ward prior to the Y2K scare. The dad got up on the stand for F&T meeting in December and said something along the lines of "it's the last of days, be prepared!" (I was pretty you to remember verbatim let alone care) Well, my Bishop father got up immediately after and said "Look... uh... if it were the end of days, our prophet would have said something. Please don't take what was just said LITERALLY. And please continue on with your lives as normal. We'll be okay. Fast and testimony meeting will end in whatevertime. The ward members are still welcome to take the stand until our meeting is coming to an end." (THAT I do remember). Anyway, Brother and Sister Doomsday Fuck Head came to our house just after we got done with FHE, sat down, and told my (very legal literate) dad "My wife and I will be suing you for defamation of character for what you said on the stand yesterday as a representative of Jesus Christ." To which my dad replied "You're more than welcome to do that Brother and Sister Doomsday Fuck Head. That's well within your legal right. But answer me this, what currency do you intend on your legal battle to benefit you? Money? Ha! Surely you know full well that at the last dispensation of the Lord, that no earthly money is backed by... well... anything in God's kingdom." Then there was silence. And my dad quickly said "Leave my house. Both of you. Any further words between us will be discussed between our attorneys." And my dad got up and opened the door and they left without saying another word. They bailed to Montana a week before the New Year. Fast forward to after Y2K not meaning shit, a ward friend caught up with them at random and asked WTF happened with all of Brother Doomsday Fuck Head's nonsense. Apparently (I wasn't there) the Doomsday Dick Head parents sat THE WHOLE FUCKING FAMILY in a circle and said "Those without sin, cast the first stone." Jeeeeeeesus Christ. /end.

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