WIBTA for telling my friends that I don’t like the way they talk about their body, as I am bigger than them?

"I get what you're trying to say and some of what you're feeling when you say triggering phrases but, for me, it's making me compare my weight to yours. I know that you're not making any comment on me and that this is my problem but I would really appreciate it if you could express yourself without using the words X and Y. If that's not possible, I may need to excuse myself sometimes when these topics come up for my own wellbeing. I wish I could be a person who could fully listen without my own issues clouding things but that's not where I am. Please know that if you're ever really struggling that I am here for you. I love you and I don't want something like this to impact our friendship."

How does that invalidate the friends issues or feelings?

/r/AmItheAsshole Thread Parent