Woman in 'extreme poverty' found dead next to crying baby in Glasgow

That’s why I said most. That being said the “official channels” thing is a smoke screen for it letting folks in. Cuz all any country needs to do is clamp down on the # they allow in and boom, you’ve solved that little problem.

I’m from the US. You know what the great-grandkids of people who sneak in under the radar are, in my experience? They’re tax payers, they’re homeowners, they’re college grads, business owners.Hell the grandkids of those who snuck in on a boat, under the radar are those things. The KIDS of those who snuck in on a boat, under the radar, are business owners, homeowners etc.

My great grandfather snuck in when the US wanted to limit the # of people coming from Europe. He literally snuck into the US on a boat. He lived under the radar. If not for him I wouldn’t exist to be a law abiding, tax paying citizen. As are all my siblings and cousins.

/r/worldnews Thread Parent Link - theguardian.com