Women of reddit, what about men baffles you the most?

As men, our emotions are not valid on their own. We learn to solve our own problems, because no one gives a crap about us until we do something useful. Having an emotion does nothing, and we are only valuable when we do something, we learn that early. That's sort of the undercurrent to everything else.

Simply talking about how we feel usually isn't solving the problem, so there is little incentive to. But there is a lot to lose.

You know the one thing about men that is the universal attractor? Confidence. My confidence is why you're with me, my confidence is why you feel safe, my confidence is why you appreciate my intelligence, sense of humor, and half-smiles; without that, you wouldn't be here to be asking about how I'm feeling. So, am I really going to tell you that I feel unattractive right now? That I'm worried that I'm not good enough? That no matter how obscenely amazing I am at literally everything I do, there is always a nagging thought in the back of my head telling me that it won't be good enough, or that I'm not as good as I think and any day now everyone will realize that and leave? We get that voice to shut up by working harder, doing more, being stronger. Am I going to tell you that today that voice got the better of me? No, because tomorrow I'll be fine. Today, something happened that made me listen to that voice, and I just need to muscle through this.

Because I know that if I tell you about these things, you will be supportive and understanding and nurturing and a little less attracted to me. Because you saw a momentary crack in the confidence. And I know that I get a limited number of cracks before you love me but aren't in love with me.

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