Women of reddit, what was your worst run in with a creep?

This is WAY too long. Lmfao. Tldr; 2 stupid young white girls almost get themselves raped and/or killed.

Somehow this is not actually my worst story, but probably the most entertaining. I hope you enjoy my novel.

In my rowdy teenage days, i had a friend with pretty uptight parents, but we were both delinquents. One night, we made plans with this sketchy guy from school, we'll call him Z. (I didn't know he was sketchy until this happened.) We snuck out, get picked up, and there's a guy I don't know driving. We're both barely 16. We find out the driver dude is 23. Red flags.
They drive us to "their chill spot," which turns out to be the home of some shirtless guy in his 40s with toddlers running around. Red flags. We just roll with it. I knew something was wrong, but didn't realize our DD was getting wasted on rum with us. I did not ask questions. Big mistake. We literally hung out in a corner, just me and my friend, while they mostly ignored us to play cards. Eventually, i ask to go home. The boys get shifty. DD is drunk. He tries to drive us but he's swerving, so he pulls over to "get something to eat." Z is pissed. He says to drop the 3 of us off at some dudes' house, and then shit gets way weird. They argue about whether or not its a good idea, then decide its the only option. The 3 of us go one way and dude-with-car goes another. We are still very far from home and its pushing 1am. Z bangs on a door for a while. This guy opens the door, clearly super cracked out. He leads us upstairs and then disappears. Safely in a room, I am instructed to sit on Z's lap. Immediately. (I looked older than my friend.) He said if anyone asked our age, to say we are both 18. Do NOT say that we were under 18. He stressed it. I sat on his lap begrudgingly. Suddenly, a dog comes barking up the stairs and crack dude is screaming at it. Once he gets to the top, he throws the dog back down the stairs. That poor bulldog. The guy comes in the room and gets right up in my face, grilling us about our age, clearly not buying that we are 18. He had to be late 20s at least. I insist that we are not minors as he gets more and more visibly agitated. Everything about him seemed inhuman. Finally Z starts yelling and tells the guy to leave us alone, we are 18, if he touches us, he is dead. I didnt understand at the time but it was almost definitely some creepy pedo shit happening. Z waited for the guy to quit screaming and leave the room, and he starts explaining how we're gonna get out of there to find the dude with the car. at that exact moment, dude with car comes up the stairs, casually eating cheesy french fries. He explains that he will not be driving us home at all. Z yells. We panic. Argument ensues, and we leave. We spent the next while following Z around, 2am, him banging on the door of anyone he knows, making phone calls, hoping to find us either a ride home or a safe place to stay. No, uber was not a thing yet, and we didn't have money anyway. Our phones are dying. No one answers, so he sneaks us into his parents house. We keep making calls. Eventually we were able to get someone to come pick us up and drive us home, all somehow without getting busted. The person who saved us drove about 3 hours total, in the middle of the night. Still so grateful for them, obviously. They pretty much saved our lives. Though I am definitely grateful for all he did to keep us safe, I later found out that Z told everyone at school we had sex that night, which was a hilarious lie. The whole thing probably served as a valuable warning to get my shit together, which I eventually did. I'm pretty sure he is in jail for selling drugs now.

Be careful out there, kids. Watch out for danger signs if you find yourself in a weird situation.

/r/AskReddit Thread