Women who have decided to be childless and elected to have their 'tubes tied' - how do you deal with the 'you'll change your mind' commentary?

It used to annoy me a little bit, mostly because it came from men (including my old male gyno) who said "that's what women are biologically supposed to do" and women who said "I didn't think I'd ever want kids, and here I am!" But the annoying phase didn't last that long because I always came home to my cats and video games and boundless amounts of beautiful free time, sleeping in on weekends, a clean house, and plenty of money for taking time off and traveling or whatever I wanted to spend it on. Ultimately you just have to remind yourself that you're happy with your life and your decisions, and people who told you you'd regret it are changing diapers and getting three hours of sleep each night.

It also helped that one day, one of my bosses told me and another childfree coworker (a guy in his 40s) that he just pestered us about having children all the time because he thought we were such cool people. Sometimes it just comes down to that--people bug you about having kids because they think you'd make great parents.

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