Workplace giving me trouble about who I voted for

I was physically assaulted by a manager. Went to HR and told them, I also told them my coworkers and I were not getting our breaks (all true). HR turned on me and retaliated. Told me they didn't care if I had a lawer. In the 3 years I was there I had great-excellent performance reviews and no complaints. I was a top performer in the entire company. All the sudden I was getting written up for the most minor things you could think of. I suddenly had "customer complaints" with customers I couldn't for the life of me remember ever working with. I wrote notes on nearly all of my accounts and some how none of my notes were on these supposed customers who were mad at me. It was horrible. Absolutely horrible. I left several months later because I couldn't handle it anymore. I learned HR is not on your side. They are on the managers side.

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