The world has barely 10 years to get climate change under control, U.N. scientists say

I've been asking myself that exact question for years and I've decided - no. Some individuals are smart, people as a whole are greedy self-serving assholes.

I have given up. There's a certain catharsis that goes along with it. It's too stressful thinking about all this shit when there's a 0% chance that suddenly the entire world will wake up in time to affect anything. So many of us are just too stupid and uncaring. We should have done something 40 years ago. I'll still do my part by not littering, being mindful of my consumption, etc, but nothing is going to change.

Many of us don't even have baseline intelligence to change our minds. Take basically my entire hard-right ultra-religious family. Most of them don't even believe the universe is more than 10,000 years old. They think it all popped into existence because God said so. They reject basic facts outright. When I ask "how can the universe only be 10,000 years old when we can see light from galaxies billions of light years away? It took light billions of years to get to us." they simply reject the science and say "the science is wrong". People like this don't change their minds with proof, they dig their heels deeper. When I say "how can the Earth be 10,000 years old when we can take ice core samples that demonstrably prove that the Earth is far older and it's just like counting rings on a tree, and we have many more methods that prove the Earth is FAR older than that", it's the same - "the science is wrong".

I even asked my Dad once "How could so many scientists who dedicate their life to their jobs be wrong but so many people such as yourself with no scientific background be so sure you're right?" and he said flatly "because we're smarter than them and know the real truth".

How can you even begin a conversation with people like this? It's too frustrating. And people like my parents aren't exactly outliers, sure they might not be a majority, but we have a minority party running all branches of the US government as we speak and many of them hold these type of views.

Put shortly, we're fucked.

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