The world's double standards are infuriating

I am of the opinion that outside of very specific places in Europe, no one cares about Jews, either positively or negatively.

I lived in the US for many years and have never felt a shred of racism. I believe the situation is vastly exaggerated from the inside of Israel, due to ignorance. One thing that has been explained to me by a more religious friend, it is certainly more spiritually gratifying to live in Israel for religious Jews, and the people around you are more accepting (and even outright welcoming and encouraging) of your practices. I'm talking about the point of view of a totally agnostic non-religious Jew, though.

For people like that, it's rather fortunate. Most of the western world has moved on from racism, and for the most part people don't give a fuck about anything. Well, maybe about a few things: they give a fuck about themselves, their money, getting laid, and a few other things. Not about you, though, or whether or not you've had your dick cut.

(as for those Jews in France and other places that are problematic to be Jewish in, and they have nowhere else to go, Israel is a very good solution. I am 100% supportive of a country serving as a safehouse for Jews, the only thing I'm arguing is that it's a shitty country. "better than being an ethnic minority in a Nazi area" is not a good enough argument to convince anyone that has a good alternative. I do not condone the existence of Israel, it provides a safehouse for Jews who need it. The fact of the matter is, though, for Jews who can go somewhere like the US? Israel is a terrible alternative. Also I don't mean to imply the US is a totally 100% safe haven, it also has some pretty backwards shit, but there's other countries like Canada that may fit your ideologies more. And within the US, although certain areas promote racism, there are whole states where racism is basically non-existent, especially against Jews. I mean, I can't really deny people make fun of Mexicans the way people in Israel make fun of Russians or Yemenites as a joke. That kind of light-hearted racism and prejudice definitely exists, but in terms of REAL srsbsns racism, y'know, actual danger, there is no racism in states like California. And the light-hearted kind of racism is definitely way more promoted in Israel than in the US. When I was in high school in the US, as a stupid teenager, I called a guy a "homosexual Armenian", and got suspended for a week. If Israel suspended you for stuff like that, the attendance rate at schools would be 0, because everyone would be suspended.)

by the way if we're gonna go the whole "Israel's only real role is a safehouse for Jews" route, then I want to emphasize that Israel's biggest problem is its location. If we could rent some swamp in Australia and move there, 90% of our problems would be solved, which is why I said a Jewish state in the land of Israel is the bad thing. Israel's location does the opposite, it just results in more deaths for absolutely no reason at all. If our goal is to minimize Jewish deaths, we should've went with pretty much ANYWHERE ELSE, preferably somewhere that wasn't already occupied.

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