Would any men here care to share their experience of using a prostitute? or even just their thoughts in general on prostitution?

I've mentioned this a few times before, but I briefly dated a woman who, unbeknownst to me at the time, was a prostitute. I found out later, and she's still a good friend.

She was an apartment neighbor I met while moving into a new place. Our wild sides fit together well, we immediately hit it off, and hooked up regularly. After a few weeks we ended things amicably. For me, living next door to her was a little too much for someone I'd just met.

Initially she told me the limited truth -- she was a CMT who gave massages at her place. I had no experience with sensual massage, had known a few legit massage people already, and so I took her at her word and assumed everything was above board and legal. It honestly never occurred to me that there could have been something else; I was pretty ignorant.

Anyway we stayed friendly while I lived there, occasionally grabbing coffee/lunch, had each over for dinner parties, chatted in the hallways, etc. Eventually I moved out of that place, and that's how I found out. As a going away present, she offered me a massage. While she was setting up, she casually mentioned that she did both regular and 'sensual' massage, and I could take my pick. I picked sensual, and... wow. The sex had always been fun with her, but the full-body massage treatment was just phenomenal sex.

After that, she told me the whole truth: she'd been doing sensual massage for a while. She also introduced me to some of the other aspects of prostitution that I'd also been completely clueless about, like some hidden review sites geared towards what were called "travelers." Basically she seemed relieved to be able to tell someone she knew on a personal level the whole truth. I didn't judge her or freak out. I liked her and was just curious about the whole thing, and asked her a ton of questions.

She made a lot of money, more than I did with my completely-legal, degree-required job. She owns her own apartment and rents out another. However after about ten years she wound up getting caught. The wife of a regular customer of hers caught on and he spilled everything. She was reported to the state board of health, got her CMT license suspended for a while, a heavy fine, and an embarrassingly detailed report of it that uses her full, legal name which also showed up in the regional press. It's been a few years and she's moved on to being a fitness instructor.

We're still in touch and get together a few times a year, when we're in each others' respective necks of the woods. I'm happy to answer any questions you might have about how things have worked out years down the road.

/r/AskMenOver30 Thread