Wouldn't it be great if we could exchange our life for someone that tragically died

Tonight, I have been feeling especially suicidal. I actually squeezed a bandana around my neck to see if I could strangle myself.

Funny thing is, today I was at a massive concert in London. And I swear to God, I thought we were about to get hit.

I saw a Muslim-looking guy making a call in the crowd. There was absolutely no way he could hear anyone he was calling. His other friend was recording video and I thought it might have been going out live. Neither of them looked like they were having even remotely a good time.

My heart started beating really fast. My imagination went into full swing. I was fucking scared. I did not want to die.

After they walked off, a Muslim girl appeared, also trying to take a call. I realized that they were just trying to find each other. I grabbed her and brought her to where I saw them head off to, and I successfully reunited them.

Like a lot of you have said, I too have fantasized about dying in a terrorist situation of some kind. But take it from me, you don't want this to happen.

I realized tonight that this is the new world. The people who wish to see us living in fear are fantastically succeeding. It's put many of us in a state of feeling helpless, anxious, and traumatized.

These attacks combined with the media's mission to fuel the narratives have done wonders to compound my depression. All I can say is... we have to dig deep within us and find hope.

Reuniting those assumed Muslim concert goers reminded me that the best thing we can do to battle fear or anxiety is to look out for each other. We're all flying through the universe on the same ship.

If any of you feel that fantasy creeping up in your mind, feel free to send me a DM. I'm happy to talk to you about anything.

/r/depression Thread