It wouldn't be that hard to fix the load limit, there's an easy solution for that. Am I wrong?

It's like saying "you can't give players the option to play with good graphics, everyone on every platform should have the same level of enjoyment as players with old phones, so low graphic options should be the standard".

That's exactly it.

This is not a regular game where you spend 60$ before playing it, and therefore they don't really care whether it runs like shit or not on your machine since they already got your money.

This is game that makes money only if the people play it consistently, and if you make official that "players on mobile gets the crappy version" those players will feel damaged and simply won't play, hence, a huge loss in money for their part.

Their objective is to make this game feel welcoming to any platform, not giving the best graphics to PC players and flagship smartphone owners.

I'm not saying that this is good, it's 100% fine not liking it. I'm saying that this is the reason why they won't make what you ask.

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