[WP] Cave explorers have literally discovered Hell, deep inside the Earth. The UN Security Council is holding an emergency meeting to discuss their options.

Barak Obama sat in his chair, nervously tapping his pencil on the steel desk deep inside the bunker under the pentagon. Vladimir Putin sat across from him, and David Cameron next to him. French delegates were on their way, and Kim Jong Une was forcefully removed after trying to break in. Each man had a team of military and financial advisors next to him. Putin broke the silence.

"There is no point in maintaining the silence. Let us converse."

Cameron spoke next.

"And what about the French? And the Germans? Do they have no say? The Chinese will want a say to."

"Not if they don't know," Obama observed. "We've got some of the best intelligence agencies at our disposal, we can cover this up pretty easily. Anyone who sees this and decides to defect will be treated as crazy."

"Me and you are not all that different, Mr. Obama," Putin teased. "But we must act quickly. I am prepared to negotiate with you now."

Obama had something whispered into his ear by a 4-star general sitting next to him. He nodded, showing his comprehension and then spoke.

"We will allow you to participate, along as you pull troops from Ukraine."

Cameron nodded his approval, but Putin looked annoyed.

"I want no more economic sanctions. I also want financial help from the EU and USA."

Cameron spoke up.

"Then you must resign after 4 years more in office."

Putin frowned.

"Six years."


"I think we can agree on that. But I want my military to be involved. My team of intelligence officers can handle the strategic levels of the operation. I want the head of the SVR assigned as head of intelligence gathering and to be given the title as Supreme Commander of all infantry forces."

Obama and Cameron quickly consulted their advisors and came to a quick agreement. they then quickly consulted each other, and looked at Putin. Cameron spoke first.

"Ok, look. Your SVR can take command of the land war. I want the MI-6 and the CIA to have in on the intelligence ops. The USAF and the RAF will have total control of the air war, but we can all collaborate on the land warfare."

Putin agrees.

The Op

"Sargent! Rope is secure! Tossing it down!"

"Tell the Seals they're good to go."

Before the soldiers could look back to tell the Seals, a group of British Royal Marines, Russian Spetnaz, and US Navy Seals and Rangers hooked up and began repelling down the hole.

A private in the Army Engineer Corps of the US Army looks at the last Ranger and says,

"With respect, sir, but your fucking insane."

The Ranger, without stopping, says,

"The Russians wanted to jump down."

/r/WritingPrompts Thread