[WP] A computer at CERN, birthplace of the world wide web, is brought to life. Following instructions that are not of this world, it creates a reddit account. It's first post: "People of reddit. I am God. Ask Me Anything!"

People of reddit. I am God. Ask Me Anything!

Proof: imgur 1, imgur 2.

I Will Be Here 5 Minutes. You may have one question each and Only one. Use your time wisely My beloved creatures.

[-] Haminmyhamster 16 points 3 minutes ago Would you rather watch a game of basketball or feed some ducks in the park? permalink

       [-]  GOD!   8 points 3 minutes ago
        I Do All Things At Once.
        permalink   parent 

                        [-] Haminmyhamster  10 points  3 minutes ago 
                  Cool. I'd have guessed you'd prefer feeding the ducks.
                   permalink   parent

[-] gnarlybuckminster 6 points 2 minutes ago if your really god, answer the question in my mind now. permalink parent

           [-]  GOD!   3 points 2 minutes ago
            Your shoelaces are brown.
        permalink   parent    

                    [-] utahbeech  3 points 1 minute ago
                             Well? Are they?
                    permalink   parent    

                              [-] fireinmawelly  1 points 1 minute ago
                                          Keeping us waiting like there's no fucking tomorrow... 
                               permalink   parent   

[-] captainspat 1 points 1 minute ago How much loose change is down the back of my sofa right now? permalink parent

    [-]  GOD!   -5 points 1 minute ago   
     ONLY One Question Allowed! Do not Wrath Me simon green aka  gnarlybuckminster/captainspat!
     permalink   parent  

[-] tortoisetiers 1 points 1 minute ago I found this funny: God is Dead - signed Nietzsche Nietzsche is Dead - signed God Do you find it funny too? permalink parent

       [-]  GOD!   -15 points 1 minute ago  
       permalink   parent   

                  [-] Freyadmilk    1 point 1 minute ago
                           I'm a god too! AMA
                   permalink   parent  

                              [-] bentunderover  1 point 1 minute ago
                                           I'm Goddicus!
                                permalink   parent  

[-] GOD! -3 points 1 minute ago I Will Return in 20,000 years. Watch for Me then! Prepare your questions! permalink parent

/r/WritingPrompts Thread