[WP] During a flight you accidentally damage a window and find out that they aren't actually windows, but monitors.

Michael opened his eyes with a heart full of terror. Another bad dream. He felt as if this journey would never end. Although he was in a seat with no one next to him, he just couldn't get comfortable. There was something off about this flight. He tried to recall what had happened in his dream, but the pure fear had wiped any trace of it. He tried to get a passing stewardess' attention, but she walked past as if he was invisible. Michael couldn't help but shake the feeling that there was something he should be doing. A similar feeling to when you leave the house and forget something but you just can't put your finger on it. He tried to forget about it. As he reached for his rucksack which was between his legs, he noticed something in his peripheral vision. A flicker outside the window. He leaned in closer to inestigate what he had saw. He tapped inquisitively at the window, the outside world seemed to tremble as he tapped on the window. Suddenly, the entire window went black. "What the hell?" Michael leaned back into his seat, he couldn't grasp what had just happened. There was something wrong with this flight. A deafening siren echoed around the cabin, red lights flooded the cabin and loud footsteps approached the outside of the plane. The plane's emergency doors erupted open and before Michael could react he found himself restrained to his chair. His arms were being held by two sets of strong arm. He struggled to pull himself free but he was only pulled back hard into his seat. An authoritative figure strolled down the walkway towards Michael shaking his head. "Now Michael, just relax and we'll try this again." Michael was confused, he tried to explain that he didn't understand what was happening. "You are one of few survivors of a plane hijacking that resulted in a crash. You were found with a firearm, the remaining survivors say it was you. Now we just need to see if you've got it in you." Michael stuttered trying to find words. "Shush now. Hopefully this time you'll remeber what you're here for." The lights turned neutral again, the tall man approached Michael with a syringe. Michael struggled ferociously trying to break free. The long needle pierced his skin and he felt himself go numb, he tried to move but his limbs became weak and tired. His vision blurred to black. Back to stage 1.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread