[WP] A dying god decides to not go out quietly, but with a bang.

Jack Fennec was a normal businessman going about his daily life on March 6, 2016. He woke up at 7am, feeling genuinely refreshed for the first time in months. He had just wrapped up a huge project at work and was first in line for that big promotion he’d been waiting for. His wife, Julia, had just been promoted to Detective in the NYPD, and his son Adam had just gotten his first report card back with all As. Yes, it was at this very moment that Jack was most content with his life; reminiscing on all the troubles he had overcome in the past to shape this wonderful present. If only he had known what was in store for the future. “Hey sweety, I made you breakfast,” Julia swooned, as Jack groggily creaked down the stairs. “Thanks hon,” he replied, looking rather gluttonously down at the bacon and eggs. “Where’s Adam?” “Oh, they have him enrolled in this new “Honors” class that he has to show up to school early for.” Julia and Jack took a mutual moment to express their pride for their son’s accomplishments, before Julia had to report to the police department. “Damn… They need me in now. Reports of imminent disasters in Manhattan.” She cringed, not wanting to leave breakfast early. “Imminent disasters? Be careful baby.” Jack always worried about Julia getting hurt in the line of duty, but she shared a passionate kiss with him before leaving the house. That always set Jack at ease. Soon enough everything was out of his mind, and he was once again at peace as he made his way to work.

“What do you mean I’m fired!” Jack exclaimed. “It means get out of my goddamn face, Fennec,” Jack’s ex-boss responded, his voice now filled with edge. “We had to make some… tough layoffs. You’re the first to go.” “But sir, with all due respect-” “Jack. You’re done.” Jack muttered something about how one of the many unnecessary guys from marketing should be cut instead, but his boss threatened to call security. Jack packed his stuff as quickly as he could, he couldn’t bear to stay in the building. He sat in his car. How long had he been sitting there? Minutes? Hours? Eternities? Suddenly, he felt as though they were all the same. Part of his life had just been torn from him. He went home. Drank a little too much hard liquor, and passed out. What else could he do? Jack woke up to Adam getting home. “What’s wrong dad?” “N… Nothing. Dad was just tryna get some extra sleep.” “Why aren’t you at work?” “Daddy did a big project, and he gets to stay home for a while.” Jack teared up towards the end of the conversation, and, seeing this, Adam left the matter alone. Waiting for Julia to get home, he started watching a movie with Adam to take his mind off of things. “Ah, Star Wars: A New Hope! How about it Adam?” “Ok dad, just let me finish my homework!” Soon they were munching on microwave popcorn drinking cans of Coca-Cola, laughing at R2-D2’s beeps and buzzes. For a little bit, Jack was happy again. Then he picked up the phone. Ring ring. Riiiiiiing. “Hello? Who is it?” “Is this Mr. Fennec?” replied a sad and unfamiliar voice. “Yes, who is this?” Jack replied uncomfortably. “I’m with the NYPD. Look, sir, I hate doing this. It’s the worst part of the job. But something happened today. Something we can’t explain logically… And your wife… Sir, your wife is gone.” The man let Jack grieve. “I’m sorry” “Thank you for letting me know. I need time.” “I understand Mr. Fennec.” Beeeeeeeep. The call terminated. Jack couldn’t tell Adam. How could he? He just gently grabbed his son and they wept together; Jack weeping at the news and Adam weeping because his dad was. They fell asleep in that position, with only the company of each other.

Around 8pm, a crash came from what Jack could only decipher to be “above”. It startled him and Adam awake, and they dove under the big, black coffee table before them. “Dad! What’s going on!?” “I don’t know Adam, but we have to go! Now!” Adam grabbed Jack’s hand and they ran outside. What they saw seemed like some movie Jack vaguely remembered… Armageddon, that’s the one. Meteors of all sizes rained down and the people of New York were scrambling to get to safety. It was horrible. The air smelled of sulfur and brimstone and… death. This was hell. They dashed across the road followed by deafening amounts of car alarms and people slamming the horn on each other. One guy pulled a gun and started firing into the crowd. All rules had gone out the metaphorical window, and chaos was plaguing the streets. That’s when one of the meteors hit a nearby streetlamp. It fell and hit Adam. He fell to the ground hard behind Jack, panting, trying to find pure, breathable air where there wasn’t any. He wept over his dying son before it all went black.

Yuri wheezed and coughed in his hospital bed. He was the last of his family alive, and their legacy would be ending very soon. He felt his time coming, and initiated the end. During his final years he had built up this Utopia, and now he would bring it down. He had become rather sentimental, and grimaced as he watched his SimCity be destroyed. He had grown especially fond of one Sim, Jack Fennec, and actually shed a tear as he watched Jack be stripped of everything he loved. How closely Jack’s life paralleled his own, Yuri thought, as his assigned caretaker argued his right to live. But he knew it would all be over soon. Maybe he and Jack would finally be able to meet, two tortured souls reconciling. Yuri chose “Save and Quit” on SimCity just as the nurses took him off life support.

(This is my first try at this sub, I know it’s a little short and probably riddled with errors but constructive criticism is encouraged!)

/r/WritingPrompts Thread