[WP] A man has the ability to smell death. The greater the stench, the closer a person is to dying. He leaves his house one day and is instantly overcome with the pungent scent of mortality. Every person he passes reeks of death.

My aspiration was to reach for the stars, but they ended up reaching for me.

I've always been fascinated by space my whole life. I made good grades, so the obvious choice was to go to college and pursue my passion when I received a full-tuition scholarship. There was just one small problem: I could smell death.

Ever since I was little I remembered occasionally smelling that one distinctive scent. I never thought anything of it, I just assumed it was sick nasty BO, or some sort of awful perfume that old ladies liked for some reason, something like that.

But as I grew older I began noticing. I smelled it on my cat Ruffles before she was killed by some kind of animal that night. I smelled it on my grandmother before she died in her sleep. I smelled it on my girlfriend before she was killed by a drunk driver.

Now you can understand why it was a problem.

I became depressed. My grades slipped. Psychologists would treat me for delusion, which is the last thing I needed. There was only one that let me vent without trying to "fix it," but my mind broke when I walked in and smelled death on him. I ignored his greeting, turned 180 degrees, and walked out.

"Your reaction was expected given the nature of your ability. However we can't have you leave just yet. We require your services."

His robotic manner of speech was made doubly alarming by the conspicuously blank stare that I now noticed in his eyes.

"The hell." Was all I could utter when slimy black tentacles began pulling themselves out of his mouth.

Lightning shot through my limbs, demanding movement. I ran out of the room and past the receptionist, who I also noticed reeked of death. "There is nowhere to run."

Screw this.

I leapt down the entrance steps and sprinted across the sidewalk. Every face I saw was turned toward me, every face exhibited an alien expression, and every face emitted the essence of death. From the closer ones I caught glimpses of black liquid in their mouths and teeth. The only trace of humanity left in their pervasive alien being were the superficial husks.

I was the only one they spared, because I was the only one they needed alive.

They keep me in containment now, presumably to keep me handy until I am needed.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread