[WP]one night a year, all fictional characters appear besides theys creators, describe scene where one character complains to his/her creator about his potrait.

Jack brushed some of the pencil shavings off his notepad and rubbed his forehead. He took a sip of his coffee and thought of how to end the scene.

Sir Galahad blocked each underhand, upperhand, and jab from his opponent with one smooth parry after another that he had relentlessly practiced during his time at the Calvary. Suddenly, his enemy, the black knight Morgrad, drew a long red blade from his cloak and brought it down on the knight's sword — cutting Sir Galahad's weapon in half. Defenseless, the knight backed against the stone wall of the castle, his eyes frantically searching for something to protect himself with. "It's over Galahad!" a grin appeared on Morgrad's face as he inched closer to the hero. "Nine years! Nine years I've had to wait for my revenge, but here we finally are, back where it all began" the black knight rushed forward, raising his sword up in great fury an-

"What was that?". Jack turned around in his chair and looked at his closet where a rustling noise was coming from.

"Merlin's beard! It's all over, the black knight has ended me, and now I'm doomed to reside in this confined space for eternity!"

"Wonderful," Jack breathed a heavy sigh "it must be that time of night already". He walked over to closet and opened one of the sliding doors. A crouched knight emerged from the closet with a basketball jersey wrapped around his head and a plastic hanger stuck on his metal boot, "God, is... is that you?"

"No, Galahad" Jack tore his high school jersey off the quivering knight's face, "It's me Jack, your author? Well now that you mention it, God isn't that far off what am I to you."

The knight immediately took a knee, "My liege, it's you!"

"Stop calling me 'your liege'. It lost it's charm after the first time you appeared in my house, and get that hanger off your boot, you look ridiculous. Also, why do you keep ending up here each night? Every single night since I've started my novel you keep popping up in my room around midnight."

"I'm not sure my liege," Galahad said while gazing at the contents of Jack's desk in awe. "What is this? Some type of crossbow?"

"That," he said, quickly snatching it from Galahad's hands, "is a paintball gun that I've had since high school. I'm pretty sure it's still loaded and connected to my CO2 can so don't touch it."

But Galahad was already looking through the rest of Jack's desk. "What is this transcript right here?" he took a seat and began reading it. "It's got my name throughout it... and everything I did today, right up to my fight with the evil black knight Morgrad." Sir Galahad looked at Jack suspiciously, "My liege, are... are you stalking me?"

"No, Galahad. Like I've been trying to explain to you this entire week, I am your author and this is your novel. This is the story of your life that I've written so far."

Sir Galahad looked up confused. "Written? So, what you're telling me liege, is whatever you write in this novel... will happen to me?"

"Well, yeah, kind of" Jack said uneasily.

"Well... well that's great then!" Sir Galahad jumped out Jack's chair. "This means with your help I can easily defeat the black knight and rescue the princess trapped at the top of the castle! All you have to do is write in me finding one of your crossbow's or something with the likes of which I can defeat Morgrad."

"Well it's not that easy Galahad. I mean you have to understand that as the author I have artistic control over how your life, er, the story progresses." Jack took the book from Galahad, "And I can't just write whatever a character in the story wants me too, even you."

"But my liege, you do plan on me defeating the black knight, don't you?"

Jack pulled at his collar uneasily, "Well I mean who knows, Galahad. There's so many different possibilities for the story's ending, anything could happen."

"You plan to kill me, don't you!" Sir Galahad slammed his fist on the desk, "And to think that I thought of you as my liege!"

"Quiet Galahad, you'll wake up someone in the house!"

"Jack?" a voice echoed from down the stairs.

"Great, now you've done it. That's probaby my mom. I've got to go see what she wants so you stay here and don't touch anything." Jack hurried down the stairs, "coming mom!"

Jack returned a few minutes later and hurried through the door, "Look, Galahad I know thi-," he looked around the room and peered in the closet for the upset knight, but Sir Galahad was nowhere to be found. "I guess he finally disappeared," Jack muttered. After a sight of relief he picked up the mess around his room Galahad had left and sat down to finish the chapter. Jack took a seat at his desk and looked over the scene. "Maybe I should cut Galahad a break, he was pretty upset after all." Picking up the now cold coffee and taking a sip, Jack noticed an edited passage at the bottom of the page. "Who scribbled this at the end?" Jack looked around his desk as it dawned on him, "And where's my paintball gun?!"

The handsome knight Sir Galahad blocked each underhand, upperhand, and jab from his opponent with one smooth parry after another that he had relentlessly practiced during his time at the Calvary, where he had graduated top of his class and was renown for his swordsmanship. Suddenly, his enemy, the black knight Morgrad, who was a total douche to all throughout the kingdom and can't win fights without a dirty trick, drew a long red blade from his cloak and brought it down on the knight's sword — cutting Sir Galahad's weapon in half, not that it would matter because Sir Galahad was the greatest knight in the land. Defenseless, the knight backed against the stone wall of the castle (but he wasn't scared), his eyes frantically searching for something to protect himself with. "It's over Galahad!" a grin appeared on Morgrad's stupid face as he inched closer to the hero. "Nine years! Nine years I've had to wait for my revenge, but here we finally are, back where it all began" the black knight rushed forward, raising his sword up in great fury and brought it down on Sir Galahad. But, he was too slow! Sir Galahad dashed from the corner, evading the attack with ease and drew his secret weapon. The hi-speed paint explosive firing crossbow! "What is that contraption?" Morgrad watched Galahad confused. "Look, Morgrad, I'm no artist but let's just say this here will paint a picture of your defeat ." Lining up his shot, Sir Galahad fired round after round of paintballs into the black knight's who crumpled to the floor, now covered in paint, blinded, and defeated. "Galahad! You can't do this! I'm the black knight!" Morgrad crawled away desperately. Galahad walked up to his nemesis and with his final words, ended him. "Sorry, Morgrad, I don't see any black knights around here, just a single rainbow one." Sir Galahad shortly after rescued the princess at the top of the tower and lived happily ever after.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread