[WP] You have a power. Everyone thinks this power is completely lame. They are wrong.

Okay, fine! Fine. You wanted to know my power, so I'll tell you. But don't say I didn't warn you.

You remember that thing I told you about? Those people? They said that from then on, I'd have flawless accounting, and they weren't kidding. You name it! Earning reports from corporations, national budgets, your granny's taxes, anything. With just a glance, I'd know the numbers.

And not just those numbers, but everything those numbers imply. My first day, I poured over congressional budget records just to test myself, and ended up inferring the black ops budget for every major CIA operation since the creation of the agency. Not a joke.

For the most part, it just helped me save and make a little cash. A glance at the coupon spread, a little helping the other customers, and I could walk into a store broke, leave with a month's worth of groceries plus ten bucks, and the store would still show a higher profit for the time I was there. I mean, I am crazy good with money.

What else would I do? I started dabbling in stocks, bonds, currency manipulation. A man's gotta keep himself entertained, right? Well, that drew some unwanted attention.

About this time, you're probably thinking they let me go. Something like, "What's this? Accounting? Damn it, we wanted super strength or maybe someone who can shoot barbed spikes from their fingers or something but this? Get him out of here." You know that's not true. What I can do can save families, build businesses, run nations.

I escaped. Don't ask me how. No! Really, don't! I don't remember. It's just a total wash; all memory of that. No idea. But when the IMF came for me, I got a clue.

Perfect. Accounting. Let that sink in for a minute. What is accounting? Moving money around, paying bills, making change, staying on budget, yeah, sure. What is it really? It's keeping track of balances. Let it sink in again.

Currency. Current. Electrons. Everything takes from something, and contributes to something, somewhere else. You see where I'm going with this? Of course you don't. No blood, no foul, man! Just honestly, really? Nobody could guess.

Budgets. Balances. Bullet counts. Energy. Momentum. Time. It's all the same thing. They didn't make me an expert of book keeping. They gave me control over reality. They made me a god.

Only catch is, when I use it, I can't remember how. From my perspective, it just kind of happens. I need a thing to happen, something to move from one spot to another, and it does. But I don't remember it. At first I really did think it was just money, but then people, places. Did you know that Paris was in England before I gained this power? Yeah, that's how far it reaches.

That's why you have to kill me. So do it now. Pull the trigger.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread