[WP] Self driving cars severely limit car accidents, making organ donors scarce.

Going over the results of my software division made me smile. It was a well deserved smile, which graduated into a well deserved grin. Everything was going as planned. These results have been decades in the making. It's time I followed up with individual sectors.

My first call will be to Donald, lead developer and head of software. I ruined that man's life. I also made him who he is today, so I don't feel so bad for basically blacklisting him and making sure no one hired him when he was first starting out. I saw his value right away. I had to have him on board the self-piloting project. He picked up on the first ring. "Hello, Director."

"Good morning Donald. I hope this call finds you well."

"More than well, sir. Our self-piloting technology is now in every car in America. Car accidents have decreased dramatically over the years, ever since our software was first implemented. That was ten years ago. By the end of this year accidents will be almost non existent."

"This is a very exciting news. I am glad to hear it." I say, in the jovial voice I speak to him with. There was a trace of concern in his voice. "What's wrong then? That was our goal, after all."

"It's just that, I never anticipated the exponential decrease in organ donors being a result. It's hard to find transplants for people who need them. And when they are found, it can cost too much for people to afford the transplant."

"Yes, that is unfortunate. Don't forget about the lives we ARE saving, though. "

"You're right, sir. We're doing a good thing."

"An extraordinary thing. How close are we to our European release?"

"Only a few months away."

"Keep up the good work, and congratulations again." Click.

It's important I keep him thinking like that. His straight and narrow attitude could be considered an asset in his line of work. Not in mine, though. Technically, WE are doing a good thing. I can't say the same for the next two.

My next call is to Fred, head of "Marketing" and "Security." By marketing I mean seeing to it that our software gets into every automobile in the U.S. And by security I mean making sure that this technology stays in our hands and our hands only. Any rival who even seems like a threat is taken care of by him. He too picks up on the first ring.

"Hello, Sir. How are you?"

"Do you have any updates?" With him, my tone is much less friendly, more business like.

"Yes, Sir. I have acquired the necessary law makers in Europe. As soon as our software is ready, they will begin to push a law through their respective governments. A law similar to America's Safety First Act. It will require all automobiles to be fitted with self-piloting technology. Seeing as to how we are the only ones with that technology, our profits will soar. This will cause a shortage of organ donors in Europe as well. Human organs are already selling for record high prices. With the donor famine here in the U.S., hospitals and needy patients alike are willing to pay top dollar for organs."

"Good work. And you will see to it that we are the ONLY ones who remain with this technology. We cannot have another incident like the last."

"Of course, sir. Those corporate spies have since been dealt with."

"Good. If it ever comes that close again, YOU will be the one taken care of." Click.

Before i make the last call, I open the bottom right drawer of my desk. I pour a glass of aged bourbon as I think about this next call. This next call will set into motion the most profitable phase. For a while now, organ harvesting has been at an all time low. Once it was prevalent in poor countries through the works of human trafficking, gangs, and rogue surgeons. Even before the dire situation in America organ harvesting was quite the money maker. People sold their kidneys, for example, for a certain, usually low price. These were poor people who needed money and, lets face it, these beggars do not get to choose the price. On the black market those organs would be sold for more than quadruple what they were bought for. I have seen to it that most of the organ harvesting (both legal and illegal) has been shut down for years. Those of the trade that wished to join me would soon take up their business again, but under my control. Those who did not cooperate were executed on the spot. Now, it was time to come out of hibernation. Time to restart the organ harvesting trade. I will start selling to America first. Then I will expand to Europe. I love it when a plan comes together.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread