[WP] someone got bit by a vampire without noticing. They keep misidentifying the symptoms

It was the stench that hit her first. Without even opening the door you knew what laid on the other side. Swallowing her fear, Clara reached out her ha- The phone beside her knee buzzed, caller ID flashing Ben. Sighing at the unwanted distraction and inevitably long conversation ahead of her, Jess put her bookmark in and answered.

"Hey Ben, what's up?" Surprised by her own cheery tone. "Yo Jess, I was wondering if I could ask ya something?" "Sure, hit me" she said hearing the hint of anxiety in his voice. "Well the other night when we were at the movies, was anyone with us or near us sick? I'm not talking a little sniffle but visibly unwell?" "Uhh, I think Matty had a cold sore? No I don't remember anyone like that. Why are you feeling sick?" Realizing how stupid she sounded because he obviously wouldn't mention it if he felt fine she shook her head. "Alright, so you feel sick? What we talking about here?" Jess stood up and began aimlessly wandering around her room. Ben wasn't the kind of person to overreact, generally speaking he was the more relaxed of her friends. No, this would have to be something serious for him to even bring it up. He broke her train of thought

"Nothing too ridiculous, a headache, some nausea...oh and I kinda almost crapped myself today, although that might be unrelated. Ha ha ha, it's nothing to worry about, really." He was definitely lying about his condition but she wasn't going to argue. If he wanted to call up about something and immediately drop it that was fine for her. The sooner this call was done, the sooner she could get back to reading.

"Okay, well...good to know you're feeling better now I guess? Have a good night and ca- "Hey Jess, mind coming by for a bit? I might be overselling how awesome I feel right now and wouldn't mind having company for an hour or so." Hearing the sincerity in his voice she begrudgingly agreed. "Sure, walking on over now. I'll have you know although concerned, you caught me at a good part in my book." "Bring it, I'm just going to be browsing Netflix." Both chuckling they hung up, grabbing her book she headed to the front door but stopped herself. Doubling back to the kitchen she grabbed a can of soup, thinking "Now I look like a hero" and decided then she was ready to leave.

It was just after sundown and the sound of her feet hitting pavement was muffled by traffic close by. When she reached Ben's place it was a lot darker outside, making

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