[WP] There is a cold darkness at your door.

Minutes seem to progress at the same rate as hours.

Sounds amplify multiple times their usual decibel.

Even the stale scent of expired incense clings to the senses.

But it all seems to sulk away when the Presence decides to make itself better known, breathing, almost taunting me from the other side of the room. Then the cold hits, drawing the heat from the room and replacing it with a nerve-deadening, skin-numbing frost.

"C.. Come on, buzz off. I don't deserve this." Nothing, just that eerie sensation of being watched.

"What do you want?!" The sound of my own voice takes me back, the whole room seeming smaller all of a sudden. The Presence convulses weakly, almost as if to be aggravated by my outburst.

Shiver. Then there's that feeling - a pressure in the ears, harsh enough to make your eyes close, ears ring, face swelling, burning, feeling like it's about to...

Something heavy but muffled falls to the floor in the other room, a solid thump, the sensation ceases, and everything is still again. I can breathe again, but the heavy, evil, looming fear hangs in the room, as if threatening to crush me as I rise from my bed and approach the door.

This.. This isn't right.

I stand before the portal I wouldn't have considered approaching for the rest of my life just a minute ago, hardly even remembering why I'm doing it in the first place. Something is drawing me toward it, forcing my hand to rise and slowly reach for the brass doorknob, grasping, and turning against the metal-on-metal resistance with it's terrible squeak.

Millions of needles gently undulate under my skin from head to toe, every human instinct screaming in protest of what I'm doing as the door creeks and the next room dimly reveals itself, heart felt and heard in eardrums as the unexpected awaits.

The living room.

"...What the?"

Nothing. Quiet stillness.

Pausing and looking around, eyes wider than they've ever been, the room is scanned, and soon they fall on the cracked front door. A pang of fear mixed with sudden realization washes over me, a slightly grateful exhale as the door is secured and locked before returning to my bedroom.

Tucked back in and breathing a little more easily, eyes drift closed and heart calms.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread