[WP] You wake up floating in an all black room. In front of you is a glowing white screen with two flashing words on it. "[Select Class]"

The judges words echoed across my mind - "You are being charged under federal law for destruction of property, disruption to civilian life, and 3261 counts of 2nd degree murder, how do you plead?"

Sweat dripping down the sides of my cheek, stomach growling, body trembling - is this how my life ends? Am I really going to be a failure just like everyone expected me to be?

Let me explain how I got into this predicament:

The date was May 13th, 2028, or my birthday. I woke up to the normal screams on my mother yelling across the house "JASON!!! Get your lazy ass out of your bed this instant and find a goddamn job. All you can do it play video games and sleep I swear." Heh, thinking back, I see the irony of her statement and how little she knew what would happen in the future...

I woke up reluctantly, checking the clock on the wooden drawer next to my bedside. "9:23" it read. "Oh shit, shit, shit, I slept through my alarm!" I quickly put on a blue and white striped shirt I found on the ground, put on a pair on jeans, and rushed downstairs. I quickly reached over to the kitchen table grabbing the lunchbox with my right hand and grabbing my papers with the left and immediately headed towards the door. "Goodbye" I said back into the house as I walked into my car heading off for my first day of work.

The job title was labeled as "extensive game researcher" with the requirements being: able to withstand large amounts of pain, good at video games, can go days on end without sleep, and requires very little sleep. A quite ambiguous job title with peculiar requirements but a job is a job.

I stepped into the white building with the black cursive letters reading "Entotech Labs." with my papers sporadically all over my hands and my food in my mouth. Immediately after I entered the building, I remember feeling extremely nauseous and falling to the ground. As I shut my eyes, I saw a man with extremely bright, blond hair, an Abe style facial hair, and a pair of glasses glaring over at me from the counter...

After what felt like days, I awoke in a black room strapped to a chair in a middle of a room. I looked around seeing nothing but abyss, and I yelled "Hello" only to hear my words echo. Finally, after screaming for a few minutes, a shot of white lights filled the room, blinding me. After I regained my focus, I noticed that in front of me lay a screen I'm all too familiar with; a screen with the words "[Select Class]..."

I'll continue the rest of this story in a little bit. This is my first time posting here so I am not proficient at writing a story quickly. Feel free to leave any suggestions so far!

/r/WritingPrompts Thread